Wednesday, June 6, 2007
read 'em and...
I believe in site-specific blogging, meaning I don't think a catch-all blog is the way to go. I want my blogs to be about specific things, from the very serious to the personal to all points in between. As a result, I don't want to have a single blog--I want lots and lots. This page collects feeds from each blog I write and puts them all in one place. Enjoy!
Punk Planet
Error loading feed.
My Eyes Glaze Over
- MEGO: What happened? - 4/11/2009
- Newspaper's fading election glory - 11/2/2008
- now read this: The Multi-Media Election - 10/31/2008
- now read this: a crackerjack analysis of circulation declines - 10/29/2008
- now read this: Newspaper endorsements mapped - 10/27/2008
- Birthday hug! - 4/30/2017 - Janice Dillard
- April 24: Theater class picture! - 4/29/2017 - Sinker
- April 23: at C2E2! - 4/29/2017 - Sinker
- April 22: Science march! - 4/29/2017 - Sinker
- April 21: train riding bros! - 4/29/2017 - Sinker
California Scheming
- Finches need a home - 3/5/2008
- dipping contraption? - 2/8/2008
- Need a Female Model for Friday(2/8/08) - $100 An Hour!! - 2/6/2008
- Do you raise chickens or goats? - 1/28/2008
- broken ipod!! for sale i duno whats wrong with it =[ - $20 - 1/18/2008
Geek Tours
- this is just a test - 3/7/2008
- Steve Jobs and Larry Page: can you imagine the garage sales? - 1/23/2008
- Google: Beware of bikes - 10/23/2007
- Apple Inc. Home of, uh… - 10/16/2007
What the Frakk?
- Best dialogue in an episode yet. - 2/24/2009 - Max
- My stump itches... - 2/2/2009 - Max
- Will it suck as much as Season 4? - 1/31/2009 - Max
- Frakkin' Chicken all year long! - 1/17/2009 - Janice Dillard
- Silence=Death? - 5/6/2008 - Max